When our time schedules us, our schedule is out of phase. Scripture tells us that God has created us for a unique purpose – which is our "why."
As humans, we are all prone to forget or take those who serve us or have shown us kindness or consideration for granted.
When our thoughts are focused on circumstances alone, we can easily become lost in the deep weeds of experiences, passions, and emotions.
As I remembered this commentary, my mind turned to all the ways we can so easily become distracted by those things (idols) our culture lifts up in celebration and - while they may not regard it as such - worship.
Following an unguarded heart will most certainly knock us out of phase and ultimately, if not corrected, lead us to ruin.
God loves us more than we can imagine. Those words are easy to say, and even easy to believe when we are sitting on the sidelines.
At our very core, our heart’s greatest desire is to live out the purpose for which we were created.
No longer do we only have the Joneses next door to keep up with, but through social media, it seems everyone we know lives next door—some of whom also take up residence in between our ears.
Curiosity can drive us to not just seek truth, but discover The Truth (Jesus). Curiosity can fuel creativity, lead to amazing discoveries, and open doors that otherwise would have remained closed.
Finding one’s self is something many have spoken of, but this particular song has required that I think about it in a way that, until now, I never have.