Ministry Starts at Home
Tom Frye believes that our first ministry is to our families, serving our spouses and our children. Deliberate Family Ministries focuses on equipping families to effectively minister to one another and to those in their circle of influence.
The Fryes are available for concerts, church services, home school and family conventions, as well as Deliberate Family events.
Your family is your first ministry
Hear more about Tom's outlook on healthy and Christ-centered family values, the focus point of Deliberate Family Ministries.

Upcoming Events
Ministry isn't just about leading worship!
Ministry starts at home.
Our First Ministry

Tom believes that our first ministry is to our families; serving our spouses and our children. It is this understanding that led Tom and his wife Lisa to start Deliberate Family Ministries, focusing on equipping families to effectively minister to one another and to those in their circle of influence.

A Family Ministry Focus
Through their failures and victories they have learned the importance of deliberateness, perseverance and faith. It is this understanding that has helped them not only to serve their family, but now serve together with their family to minister through music, mentoring and service.
The Frye Family supports the work of Compassion International in promoting the sponsorship of children living in poverty. To join them in "releasing a child from poverty in Jesus' name" visit www.compassion.com/fryefamilyband
Compassion International Child Sponsorship
Corporate Sponsors & Partners

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