“This devotional will challenge you …And that will lead to one thing … A stronger family! By writing this devotional, Tom encourages us to love God and our families … And to do it with scripture as our guide. Tom is a friend of my parents, and they love what he and his family are all about … I encourage all to ponder the thoughts that Tom has to offer.”

Mary Beth Chapman, author of Choosing to See

“Their professionalism was exceptional. Very talented. I will have them back again and would recommend them for your next event. Tom is a courteous, caring man who loves to share his life and talents.”

Pastor Phil Steele, Jamb for the Lamb, Vestaburg, Michigan

“It’s been an honor to work alongside Tom and to call him my friend. It is so refreshing to see someone so courageously share his story and to see the way it fits within The Story that frames it. Tom has written with wisdom, humility, and most importantly, honesty. This book is a great guide to diving into your own history and finding where the seeds of redemption have been sown in it.”

Andrew Osenga, singer/songwriter, former member of Caedmon’s Call

“They led a very Spirit filled worship service at our church and it was very well received. Their praise music was the entire worship service. They spoke about their mission trips and their ministry. They really spoke to the families in the church and called them to become closer units. They called on parents to become the kind of leaders that Jesus told us all to be. I can’t wait until the next time they worship with us. We have a very diverse congregation both age and culturally and I highly recommend them to anyone. God Bless!”

Pastor Craig Cisco, Celina Zion UMC, Celina, Ohio

“Tom and his family came to our church gathering and offered a down to earth family experience that was fun and edifying! We gave them 90 minutes of our morning which allowed them to share their music and ministry story. This provided a break for our music volunteers and a fresh face and voice for our attendees. Tom’s music is accessible and encouraging for a wide range people, and his family ministry is a fresh example of a real family living and loving each other! Tom’s children pull their own weight musically and each bring a heart for service which allows them to blend well as a band. Love these guys!!!”

Sam Steffen, Worship Pastor Hope Missionary Church, Ossian, Indiana

“The Frye Family Band are a professional family of singers/performers. They are able to hold the audiences attention through out the show. They are easy to work with and would recommend highly.”

Carla Loy, Bearcreek Farms Country Resort


“I have had the privilege of sharing the stage with Tom Frye and his family and I was taken with his talent for writing and singing. He has such a wonderful heart for God and family and it comes through in his concerts. If you see him once you will always want to go back again.”

Jimmy Fortune singer/songwriter and former Statler Brother

“Tom Frye is a devoted husband, father and friend with a pastor’s heart. I’m excited that he has written a devotional that is sure to encourage families with the truth of God’s word applied to all of life.”

Jeremy Casella singer/songwriter Nashville, Tennessee

“In my sixty plus years on this earth I’ve literally come in contact with thousands of individuals and only a handful of them stick out for one reason or another. Tom Frye is one of those select few.

I met Tom and his family a few years back thru the recording industry and immediately liked this guy. Tom is the type of person that if every man were honest with himself would love to have as his best friend. His smile is infectious, he has an unshakable love for his wife and children, but most importantly Tom loves Jesus.

Such was not always the case; I know life has not always been easy for Tom and he still has some weeds and thorns in his rose garden of life; then again; don’t we all. However with that said; the one poignant, irrefutable, without a doubt certainty is that Tom loves his Savior. When in a conversation with Tom sooner rather than later that conversation will be about Jesus Christ.
I am proud to call Tom my friend.”

Bob Horstman, WTGN FM, Lima, Ohio

“His family is so special, as they shared in worship, as they shared in testimony, small group studies this weekend, wow! They just have such an awesome way of bringing the foundation of God through their family, what a blessing to have them and I would invite you to invite them to come to your church or your event because you’ll be blessed also.”

Pastor Rod Smith, Chippewa United Methodist Church, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania

“…one of the things that really connected with me about Tom is that he doesn’t accept the norm, he doesn’t accept the world’s world view, but he’s accepted what Christ has taught us through the scriptures…Deuteronomy 6 is one of those passages that knit my heart together with Tom; as you’re sitting in your house as you’re walking along, as you’re doing life, no matter where you’re going or what you’re doing in life, we’re to talk about the things of Christ and that’s one of the things that just seems to ooze out of Tom and his family. This is a family who is getting it. I see that they are learning how to live life as Christ really wants them to live it and it gives me something tangible to look at and to see that my family can do life together, my family can talk about God together, my family is designed to minister together. Seeing them do ministry today gave me hope, it gave me a model that we can point to…I look forward to further partnerships with Tom and to see where the Lord is going to take him because I think God is at work in this family’s lives.”

Pastor Brad Kittle, Praise Point Church, Willshire, Ohio

“A lot of folks look to the coasts for stars, for fads, and for what’s happenin’ now. But the heartland is where you look for the heart and the strength of our society depends upon the wellbeing of the family. Tom Frye and his family have a gift of love, family and values that shines through their music, shines on stage in concerts and shines into your heart. The gifts of love and faith returned in praise through the Fryes, stirs our hearts and helps us praise and when we hear their music it sounds like “us”. It sounds like home. A home blessed by God. They are blessed by God and through them God blesses us as well.”

Pastor Greg Spencer, Cochranton UMC, Cochranton, Pennsylvania

“The Frye Family are consummate musicians and song writers with a passion for God. We were greatly blessed to have Tom and the family play at East Heights United Methodist Church.”

Beau Jarvis Director of Contemporary Music at East Heights United Methodist Church Wichita, Kansas

“Great Album -Great Work”

Review of Under Indiana Lights, Power Source Music Magazine, Nashville, Tennessee

“All in all, an impressive release.”

Review of Reclamation, by Stephen Luff, Cross Rhythms, England, UK

“All in all, The Frye Family Band reaches its audience with appealing lyrics, arrangements and a good blend of voices.”

Review of Reclamation by Marie Asner, The Phantom Tollbooth

“This is one talented family! The harmony of voices is exceptional, the music itself is relaxing, inspirational and it has meaningful words of worship and truth.”


“I got a chance to listen to this new CD over the last week. I haven’t heard such pure music in a number of years. The voices of this family blend together so well, and the instrumentals are proficient. It’s rare to find music like this, since a lot of popular music these days is mixed using sound boards and the like. The Frye Family Band has talent that is charming to listen to.”


“As a singer/songwriter Tom Frye doesn’t just entertain, he takes you on a spiritual journey as he plumbs the depth of his own faith-walk with Christ and shines a light on the Father-Child relationship of other seekers of God. His songs offer insight to the deeper things of Christianity that many of us are all too willing to overlook. Reminiscent of Rich Mullins, not so much musically, but in the intricacies of well-strung words, Tom challenges you to deepen your roots and widen your horizons when dealing with God. His songs are not feel-good pop ditties full of stuff and not much substance. Instead, they are the written manifestation of a soul’s cry to do more and be more for Christ. His music will keep you looking upwards while looking inward.”

Kim Hart, Berne Tri-Weekly News

“It was great listening to Tom’s music – the nice melodies, the insightful lyrics, and the simple, folky production. But after getting a chance to sit down with him for a while and hear his heart, what really spoke to me was his passion for ministry. And it is awesome to see his passion produce a drive to be out there in front of people, and to be real and down to earth, and to really be able to share what’s on his heart. I recommend listening to his music, but most of all, I recommend hearing his heart.”

Brian Smith – Bassist of the Multiple Dove Award winning band FFH

“Tom performs from the heart. He gives his all to his listeners in hopes that he, and in turn, they, can glorify God. He is an authentic songsmith chasing after Jesus.”

Mitch McVicker – Christian Recording Artist/Dove Award Winning Songwriter

“Tom and his family were an amazing blessing at our recent Praise Celebration at our radio station. Their music ministry reaches all ages. Tom’s ministry is very special and I know any and all will be blessed as they meet and listen to Tom and his family.”

Vickie Vice President/ General Manager – The Lighthouse FM 89.3 St. Mary’s, Georgia

“Tom Frye’s music is fresh and different. His song “Jesus is Crazy” was a surprise hit on KNLE FM 88.1 from the first day we played it. Tom’s faith in the Lord shines through his lyrics and music and we are pleased to feature him on KNLE in our regular mix.”

Celeste Yeakley – KNLE FM88.1, Round Rock, Austin, Texas http://www.candle88.com

“Tom’s original compositions are thought provoking and grab your attention — both for the quirky word rhythms and the spiritually thought-provoking concepts he introduces. Couched in an entertaining format that draws even the casual listener in, Tom’s music offers insight to the deeper things of Christianity that many of us are all too willing to overlook. His songs are reminiscent of Rich Mullins’ style — not so much musically, but in the intricacies of well-strung words and the challenge to deepen your roots and widen your horizons when dealing with God.”

Kim Permar – Berne Tri-Weekly News, Berne, Indiana

“Open your hearts and allow God to minister to you through Tom’s music. Your life will never be the same.”

Brenda Thomas – He’s Alive Radio, Grantsville, Maryland

“Tom Frye is a great songwriter with a wonderful heart for the Lord. We were privileged to host him for a weekend at our coffeehouse and hope to see him return many times in the future.”

Roger Hoffman (Indy’s Premier Coffeehouse, The Comfort Zone, Plainfield, Indiana)

“Tom Frye is a guy who walks the walk. His music is written in his heart and he sings it from his soul. From his life experiences, he’s able to create melodies and weave stories of God’s impact on his life and the lives of others into inspirational songs.”

Dan & Barb Butcher (St. Marks UMC Decatur Indiana)

“The concert the Frye band played at our church was wonderful! It was our first attempt at holding “community” concerts and the turnout was not the best and I hope not too disappointing for the Fryes. But the music was great, the fellowship and general comments after the concert was awesome and we’re looking forward to booking them again in 2016.”

Carole Lewis, Advent Christian Church, Viscalla, Iowa

“Tom and his family are very professional in their presentation. They have a heart for God and for people and this comes through in their music and in their sharing. People can relate well with the content of their music. Over all it was an enjoyable time of music and helped bring people into the presence of God.”

Pastor Robert Rensberger. First Church of God, Wabash, Indiana