What are
Deliberate Family Events?
Our family has been honored to share our music and ministry as the Frye Family Band in such places as Punxsutawney, PA, Rapid City, SD, Austin, TX and many other places in-between. During our time on the road we have been asked many questions, not just about music, but often about family, marriage and raising up children of purpose.
Through these conversations we have realized the need, even in our churches, for a ministry to help equip families to overcome the challenges of societal pressures, complacency, and generational sin.
We have seen God at work in so many ways. And like the story of the widow’s oil and flour found in 1 Kings 17:7-16, we have witnessed the Truth of God’s provision when we have been willing to trust Him with our all. God truly does take the little we have to offer and multiplies it, making up the difference in order that His work will be made complete. We have seen this during our years as caregivers, throughout each new season of homeschooling, and in our music ministry.
Jesus tells us in John 16:33 to “…take heart, because I have overcome the world.” We believe this hope allows us, not just to survive, but to thrive as families in the 21st century church. While we speak to some of this during our concerts, in response to the similarity and frequency of questions asked of us by those in attendance, we have developed Deliberate Family Events.
These one, two, or three day events are specifically designed to engage, equip and energize families in their God given roles and purposes. Deliberate Family Events include corporate worship, topical sessions (chosen by the host from the list below), and a Frye Family Band concert.
Deliberate Marriage Event
This event includes worship with the Frye Family Band, three teaching sessions, handout materials, discussion questions, and Q&A.
In this session Tom unpacks the relationship between Jesus and His bride (the Church) to help us better understand our roles as husbands and wives.
9:00am — Worship with the Frye Family Band
9:15am — The Spiritual Significance of Marriage (Part 1)
10:25am — Worship with FFB and The Spiritual Significance of Marriage (Part 2)
Drawing from the information from session one, Tom examines the parallels between Jesus’ relationship with His Bride and our relationship with our spouse.
12:45pm — Worship with FFB and Above All Else
Drawing from Ephesians six, this session offers practical tips to help couples put the lessons from the morning sessions into practice in their home and marriage.
Event ends between 2-2:30pm.
Make this a two or three day event with Sunday Morning Worship with the Frye Family Band and message from Tom entitled What is Your Story? This lesson offers powerful truths from scripture that helps us see our story and live out our God-given purpose and passion for the sake of advancing God’s Kingdom in the hearts and minds of those to whom we are called.
Frye Family Band Concert can be scheduled Friday or Saturday evening, Sunday afternoon or evening, or in lieu of the Sunday Message, the Frye Family Band can share a message through stories and songs.

Deliberate Men

Encourages men to live lives of ruthless trust in the Father’s call and explores the impact a legacy of faith men can have on their families and others.
Leading Like a Warrior
Embracing the Mess
Life is messy, relationships are messy, and God tells us “in this life you will have trouble”. Embracing the Mess is a reminder that God calls us to “make disciples” which is anything but sanitary.
Breaking Generational Strongholds
They are often overlooked and routinely dismissed and ignored, but if not dealt with, generational strongholds can limit our joy and sabotage God’s purpose for our lives and the lives of our family. In this very honest and transparent session, Tom relates the truly amazing journey of God’s gracious fathering in his life, which helped him recognize and break the chains of generational bondage, freeing him to experience God’s peace and pursuing God’s purpose for his life — a reality, which is available to all followers of Jesus.
Deliberate Women

Encourages women to live lives of ruthless trust in the Father’s call on their lives and the important role they play in the Kingdom. Drawing from many scriptural examples, the loving heart. explores the impact a legacy of faith that women can have in the lives of their families, friends, and others.
The Loving Heart
Embracing the Mess
Life is messy, relationships are messy, and God tells us “in this life you will have trouble”. Embracing the Mess is a reminder that God calls us to “make disciples” which is anything but sanitary.
Breaking Generational Strongholds
They are often overlooked and routinely dismissed and ignored, but if not dealt with, generational strongholds can limit our joy and sabotage God’s purpose for our lives and the lives of our family. In this very honest and transparent session, Tom relates the truly amazing journey of God’s gracious fathering in his life, which helped him recognize and break the chains of generational bondage, freeing him to experience God’s peace and pursuing God’s purpose for his life — a reality, which is available to all followers of Jesus.
Deliberate Family

This session offers practical tips from scripture and Tom and Lisa’s thirty years of marriage, parenting, and ministry to equip parents to teach their children to model God’s love through acts of service inside and outside our homes, offering practical ways parents can apply their unique roles in their homes to instill in their children a lifestyle of faith and worship while raising the next generation of disciples.
Raising a Family of Purpose
Parenting as a Team
Tom and Lisa Frye have been married for thirty years. They have three married children and four grandchildren. This session offers practical tips they have learned from both their successes and failures. Through scriptural truth and personal examples, Parenting as a Team offers a template to keep parents unified as they strive to stay focused on parenting’s big picture.
The Ministry of Reconciliation
We all have family, and where there is family there is often conflict. If left unresolved, these conflicts can result in awkwardness and will sometimes even divide our family. As the Apostle Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 5:18, reconciliation is a ministry. In this session, Tom unpacks practical tips to help families deal with conflict in ways that will avoid lingering frustration and also offer a roadmap for restoration to divided relationships.
Deliberate Event Follow-Up Message
This powerful message offers practical tips and examples from Scripture and Tom’s personal life that give the listener a roadmap to find healing from personal and generational pain. Through both his story and examples from scripture, this message shines the light on not only our personal healing, but also on how God is able to use even our deepest wounds as motivation to advance His Kingdom.
This message can be a stand-alone message, is often used as a Sunday morning follow up message to the Deliberate Events.