Have you ever been in a situation where you can’t figure God out? When what He expects you to believe, how He asks you to trust, and where He calls you to go simply makes no earthly sense. When you feel all alone with nothing but your unanswered questions, nagging doubts, and unmet expectations to keep you company: Sound familiar?
In the midst of these situations, it’s easy to quote verses like; With God All Things Are Possible Matthew 19:26 and Without Faith it is Impossible to Please God Hebrews 11:6 – especially when it is someone else’s struggle – but, almost always what is easy to say is excruciating to walk out. And, attempting to function in our own human logic, if not corrected quickly, will certainly knock our focus out of phase.
Scripture reminds us to lean not on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5) for a reason, because in good times, and especially in difficult ones, it is a very human thing to make decisions that appeal to our own experience, intellect, or comfort.
One of the best ways I have found to keep my focus from getting hi-jacked is to recount all the times when God made a way; when what seemed impossible just happened to work out.
Though it never feels like it in the moment, when we look back on these times, we often say I would have never chosen to go through it, but I am thankful for _________. Fill in the blank, how God grew my faith, how God made a way, how much stronger I am because of it, and so many other ways those hard times grow us.
Stepping out in faith, trusting when it doesn’t make sense, keeping on keeping on when all seems lost, gives us the space to allow God to show up and show off.
In the midst of those prayers that seem to go unheard, remember to confess to God all the times when He was faithful to you. Doing so will calm your heart in the midst of uncertainty and help keep your focus in phase.